What are Assumable Loans?
Wednesday, February 8, 2023 (9:30 AM - 10:30 AM) (CST)
An assumable loan can be a powerful tool to help you sell your listing. It allows the buyer to take over the loan on the property, which can make it easier for your buyer to get approved for a mortgage. This can be especially helpful if there is a low interest rate on the loan. You’ll learn everything you need to know about assumable loans so that you can help your clients make the most of their transactions. Register @ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/assumable-loans-for-real-estate-agents-tickets-499640356757?utm_source=eventbrite&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=post_publish&utm_content=shortLinkNewEmail Attend In Person at the GTAR office or by Zoom NO CE Credit is available for this FREE class.Images
810 E Peyton
Sherman, TX 75092 United States
810 E Peyton
Sherman, TX 75092 United States
Wednesday, February 8, 2023 (9:30 AM - 10:30 AM)
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